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‘Jury Is Out’ on Hospice CARES Act’s Proposed Payment Reforms

Hospice News

The hospice community is contributing input to the development of the forthcoming Hospice Care Accountability, Reform, and Enforcement (Hospice CARE) Act. Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Oregon) is in the process of drafting the bill that, if enacted, would represent the most significant reforms to date for hospice payment and oversight. The legislation is currently in a discussion draft phase, which has been circulated among the nation’s major industry trade associations and their members for feedback.

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5 stages of dementia: What to expect & how to connect


If your loved one has dementia, here’s what to keep in mind at each stage — and how to create moments of connection along the way. The post 5 stages of dementia: What to expect & how to connect appeared first on HopeHealth.


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Cachexia and Anorexia in Serious Illness: A Podcast with Eduardo Bruera


Summary Transcript Summary I always find cachexia in serious illness puzzling. I feel like I recognize it when I see it, but I struggle to give a clear definition or provide effective ways to address it. In today’s podcast, we had the opportunity to learn from a renowned expert in palliative care, Eduardo Bruera, about cachexia and anorexia in serious illness.

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Facing the Monsters of the Future: How Caregivers Can Cope with the Unknown

Caregiver Warrior

The unknown is a scary and seemingly dangerous place for Caregivers. Here's some practical, effective ways to cope with fear of the unknown. The post Facing the Monsters of the Future: How Caregivers Can Cope with the Unknown appeared first on Caregiver Warrior.

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Best Practices for Sharing Protected Health Information (PHI)

Explore essential topics in this ebook, including what constitutes PHI and how to identify it using 18 indicators. Gain insights into the importance of safeguarding PHI to protect patient privacy and learn about the severe consequences of HIPAA violations. Discover practical strategies for securely exchanging PHI within your healthcare organization, including assessing risks and implementing effective safeguards.

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Dying on the Street – Reflections of a Street Nurse, written by Shelley Tysick

Life & Death Matters

In the quiet moments between life and death, I’ve witnessed the raw essence of humanity. It’s not just about symptom management and care planning; it’s about holding space for souls who have lived experience with trauma, substance use disorders, and homelessness—the marginalized, the racialized, the invisible. It is meeting them where they are at and […] The post Dying on the Street – Reflections of a Street Nurse, written by Shelley Tysick appeared first on Life and Death Matters.

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Empowering Change: The Association of South Asian Midwives Advocating for Equitable Maternity Care

Evidence-Based Nursing - BMJ blogs

The next blog in our series which focuses on maternal inequalities comes from Nafiza Anwar, one of the founders of the Association of South Asian Midwives and highlights how the group are actively working to drive change. In the vibrant tapestry of South Asian cultures, traditional practices, and deeply rooted taboos, a powerful force is emerging to reshape maternity care and advocate for the rights of women and birthing individuals from the global majority.

2018 128

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The Future of Palliative Care: The AAHPM Next Gen Scholars for Equity in HPM Program

AAHPM (American Academy of Hospice and Palliative)

The AAHPM Next Gen Scholars for Equity in Hospice and Palliative Medicine Program is a fantastic opportunity for early-career individuals who are passionate about advancing hospice and palliative medicine. It is specifically designed for those who are historically marginalized and underrepresented in the field and want to make a difference. The program offers a transformative experience that focuses on leadership development, innovation, and deepening understanding in hospice and palliative care

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Sustainably funded children’s palliative care no closer despite ‘long-term decisions’ Budget

Together for Short Lives

The UK Government’s Spring Budget provides no clarity on future funding for seriously ill children. Despite some positive news, Budget 2024 was a missed opportunity for the Chancellor to provide sustainable, long-term funding to fill gaps in underfunded and understaffed children’s palliative care services across the UK. With the annual NHS funding gap for children’s […] The post Sustainably funded children’s palliative care no closer despite ‘long-term decisions’ Budget appeared first on T

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Meet a Champion of Nursing Diversity: Dr. Selena Gilles

Minority Nurse

Selena Gilles, DNP, ANP-BC, CNEcl, FNYAM, is a Clinical Associate Professor and Associate Dean of the Undergraduate Programs at New York University Rory Meyers College of Nursing. She’s also an Affiliate Faculty member of the Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing (HIGN), where she serves as Co-Director of the HIGN Scholars Program, an Affiliate Associate Professor at Howard University College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences, and a Volunteer Associate Professor for the State University o

Nursing 125
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Exploring the Link Between Nutrition and the Aging Process

Today's Caregiver

As a physician of over 25 years, I have observed that as people grow older, their bodies change, and with it, so do their nutritional needs.

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The Ultimate Guide to Improving Caregiver Engagement & Retention

Want to learn how to retain your caregivers & improve caregiver retention X3? The home care industry is experiencing turnover rates of over 80%. How are you ensuring your agency is retaining caregivers? This FREE eBook from Smartcare Software is packed with industry secrets needed to keep your caregivers happy, engaged, and retained, unlocking the full potential of your agency.

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‘Gerald’s Law’ Would Grant Funeral, Burial Benefits to VA Hospice Patients

Hospice News

Federal legislators are advancing a bill that would close a hospice-related loophole in veterans’ benefits. When eligible veterans die, many of their families are entitled to a financial benefit from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to defray some of the costs of funerals and cremation or burial. However, when a veteran transitions from a VA facility to hospice, they lose access to that benefit.

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Is Nursing Heading for Collapse?

Daily Nurse

Concerns of a nationwide nursing shortage have loomed for decades, and the COVID-19 pandemic only fast-tracked the profession toward crisis. Nursing is integral to safe healthcare delivery, and the threat of a nursing shortage should concern everyone. When it comes to patient safety, nurses are the nervous system of a hospital. They sense, perceive, connect, communicate, and solve.

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Substance Use Disorder in Aging and Serious Illness: A Podcast with Katie Fitzgerald Jones, Jessica Merlin, Devon Check


Summary Transcript Summary The CDC’s Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain excludes those undergoing cancer treatment, palliative care, and end-of-life care. In doing so, it seems to give the impression that pain seen in cancer is inherently different than pain seen in other conditions and that those with cancer may not have the same risk for opioid use disorder as compared to other conditions.

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When caregivers lose patience: how not to feel like a loser!

Caregiver Warrior

All caregivers lose patience. How we treat ourselves when patience wears thin defines how quickly we can find it again. The post When caregivers lose patience: how not to feel like a loser! appeared first on Caregiver Warrior.

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The Essential Guide to HIPAA-Compliant Messaging for Home Care Teams

Explore the risks posed by non-compliant consumer apps like Instagram and WhatsApp in healthcare settings. Learn about potential HIPAA penalties and use a self-evaluation flowchart to determine your organization's need for HIPAA-compliant messaging. Discover straightforward steps to implement secure communication solutions efficiently, ensuring compliance and protecting patient data effectively.

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Grief Literacy – What is it?

Life & Death Matters

When I was asked to write this blog post, I didn’t know much about the term ‘grief literacy’! I was given a few research article, but other than that, I hadn’t really come across it that often. Once I did a bunch of reading, I feel I have a much better grasp on the subject. […] The post Grief Literacy – What is it? appeared first on Life and Death Matters.

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International Day of the Midwife 2024; reflecting on midwifery’s position in the global community in the era of climate change.

Evidence-Based Nursing - BMJ blogs

By Elizabeth Bailey, EBN’s Associate Editor for Midwifery and Women’s Health The 5 th May marks International Day of the Midwife. This is an opportunity to reflect on the contribution the profession of midwifery makes to the global community. For midwives, it is an opportunity to celebrate the work of colleagues and contemporaries around the world and reflect on ongoing challenges and opportunities for the impacts of midwifery.

2024 125
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Normal Vital Signs for Seniors | Measuring Health of Older Adults

Caring Senior Service

Monitoring vital signs is crucial for ensuring the health and well-being of seniors. As we age, our bodies undergo various changes that can affect these vital signs. Understanding normal vital signs for seniors and knowing what to do when they are not within normal ranges can help caregivers provide better care. What Are Vital Signs? Vital signs are measurements of the body's most essential functions.

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Jenay A. Powell, MD reflects on her Next Gen experience

AAHPM (American Academy of Hospice and Palliative)

Jenay A. Powell, MD University of Tennessee Internal Medicine The AAHPM Next Gen Scholars for Equity in Hospice and Palliative Medicine program sponsors residents from underrepresented communities who are interested in hospice and palliative medicine (HPM). Research shows that providing culturally effective HPM services to marginalized communities can help address disparities.

2025 111
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The Cost of Inefficient Communication in Home Care & Beyond

This eBook explores the critical issues of using consumer-grade messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and SMS in healthcare, especially home care. It highlights the negative impacts on patient care quality, data security, and HIPAA compliance and provides practical solutions to enhance communication efficiency! You will learn how to: Consolidate Messaging Platforms: Streamline communication by reducing the use of multiple apps, improving efficiency in patient care.

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Professor Dame Elizabeth Fradd

Together for Short Lives

Together for Short Lives is deeply saddened to hear of the recent death of Professor Dame Elizabeth Fradd, Vice President of Together for Short Lives. Dame Liz trained as a children’s nurse and held a variety of registered nurse, midwife and health visitor posts before supporting the nursing profession nationally, becoming Deputy Chief Nursing Officer […] The post Professor Dame Elizabeth Fradd appeared first on Together for Short Lives.

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Why Finding a Nursing Community Is Important

Minority Nurse

Busy nurses don ’ t always seek out professional organizations or groups dedicated to nursing, and for valid reasons. They need more time or energy to devote to a group, the meetings are inconvenient, or they see it as an extension of work. However, joining a nursing community is one of the most powerful personal and career moves a nurse can make. “The importance of community is relevant to nurses at all levels of their careers,” says Gloria E.

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To Address the Nursing Faculty Shortage, Start with the Pay Gap

AJN Off the Charts

The salary gap between clinical and faculty roles. Photo by AXP Photography on Unsplash There is a national shortage of nursing faculty to educate the future nurse workforce. The biggest barrier to recruiting and retaining nursing faculty is the salary gap between the faculty and clinical nursing roles. Nurses routinely take pay cuts of as much as $40,000 when leaving clinical practice to teach full-time.

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NAHC President Bill Dombi: Hospices in for a ‘Bumpy Ride to New Era’

Hospice News

The Medicare Hospice Benefit is ripe for change nearly four decades after its establishment, but moving the needle will include a heavy lift around evolving regulations. This is according to Bill Dombi, president of the National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC). The hospice industry is undergoing tremendous changes amid rising demand and increased regulatory oversight, Dombi said at NAHC’s Financial Management Conference in Las Vegas.

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The Secret to Supercharging Your Organizations Communications

Effective collaboration among all care team members is critical to delivering better patient outcomes. A key element to achieving effective collaboration is through the implementation of a clinical communication and collaboration platform. In a fast-paced, high-stress and critical environment, people tend to do whatever gets the job done. Therefore will scramble and use the systems, people, or processes around them to get an outcome more quickly - which can often be at the expense of quality.

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Sense of Place

Chicago Caregiving

Studies show that hearing loss increases a person’s risk of falling. Why might that be — and what can you do about it? No matter where Louis is — working downtown, riding his bike, traveling — his thoughts drift to his 95-year-old mother. More than anything, he worries about her falling. Louis (whose name has been changed for privacy) has seen his mother go from sitting on a couch, to sliding off.

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UV Safety Month: Sun Safety for Seniors

Community Home Health Care

Sun safety is crucial for seniors and UV Safety Month is here to remind us of the importance of protecting ourselves from the sun’s harmful rays. At Community Home Healthcare, our goal is to prioritize the health and wellness of your loved ones , whether it’s ensuring they can safely enjoy a sunny summer day or providing them with quality at-home care.

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How to Find Grace and Balance When Taking on More Responsibility as a Caregiver

Caregiver Warrior

Taking on more caregiving responsibilities is a challenging experience. Here are some things to consider for an easy transition. The post How to Find Grace and Balance When Taking on More Responsibility as a Caregiver appeared first on Caregiver Warrior.

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Meet the CEO That Stayed Up All Night

Daily Nurse

Michael Charlton was recently named CEO of AtlantiCare , a healthcare organization operating across five counties in southern New Jersey and serving a region of 1 million residents. In conversation with Mr. Charlton, we learned more about AtlantiCare’s mission and his philosophy for being a transformational leader in the 21st-century healthcare space.

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Empowering patients and families to escalate worries and concerns. The NHS England pilot project at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Evidence-Based Nursing - BMJ blogs

In this week’s blog Debra Ritsperis Head of Quality @DRitsperis, Isolde Newbury ACRT @AcuteResponse, Rebecca Wood Paediatric Matron @becky_RWood, Kaylea Roffe Data Manager @roffe_kaylea, Natalie Tomms Communications Lead, outline how the worries and concerns pilot project (April 2023-March 2024) has been implemented across at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust @GHFT_Excellence @gloshospitals Other Project Team members: Suzie Cro Deputy Director of Quality Programme Director Nursing a

2016 126
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Benefits of Recumbent Bikes for Seniors | Caring Senior Service

Caring Senior Service

As someone who wasn't an avid cyclist, embarking on a 10,000-mile e-bike journey across 3 months was a transformative experience for me. The physical benefits were undeniable, and it opened my eyes to the value of biking as a form of exercise for all ages. However, I recognize that not everyone can hit the road for such extensive rides. Recumbent bikes allow seniors to enjoy the benefits of cycling without the risks of road biking.

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On Crying

Donna Cardillo, The Inspiration Nurse

I’m feeling like I want to cry, need a good cry—release, tears of joy, tears of anguish—the yin and the yang of life. It’s OK to cry for both sides, embrace the dark and the light; one supports the other. You are beloved and whole because of it. You feel, you fall, you pick yourself […] The post On Crying first appeared on Donna Cardillo, RN.

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Harry’s story: “They taught us to focus on the depth of life, rather than the length”

Together for Short Lives

Our eldest son Harry was diagnosed at the age of 17 months with Spinal Muscular Atrophy. The diagnosis came entirely out of the blue and meant that our other children, male or female, had a one in four chance of having the same condition. Following the diagnosis, we were fortunate enough to be introduced to […] The post Harry’s story: “They taught us to focus on the depth of life, rather than the length” appeared first on Together for Short Lives.

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Honoring Mary Eliza Mahoney, America’s First Licensed Black Nurse

Minority Nurse

This National Nurses Week, learn more about Mary Eliza Mahoney, America’s first professionally-trained Black nurse whose birthday lies on May 7, the second day of National Nurses Week. Mahoney’s journey to becoming a nurse in the 1800s was full of setbacks she couldn’t control, yet she persevered to create a decades-long career as a nurse known for compassion and bringing comfort to others.

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Joint NAHC-NHPCO Statement on Signing of Affiliation Agreement


For Immediate Release PHOTO LINK June 18, 2024 Washington, D.C. and Alexandria, VA – On June 10, the Board Chairs and chief executive officers of the National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) and the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) met in Washington, D.C. to formally sign the affiliation agreement between the two leading organizations in the care at home community.

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