Sat.Oct 21, 2023

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Cultivating Resilience for Caregivers

Hospice of the North Coast

“The bamboo that bends is stronger than the oak that resists.” – Japanese Proverb Many people confuse resilience with resistance, and that’s why their idea of the term is far from what it really means. Being resilient does not mean enduring life’s adversities with stoicism, without complaining, or doing more than we can do. Being resilient is more like the qualities of a bamboo: it can bend in a strong wind or storm without breaking and is able to adapt to adverse circumstances, bouncing back ev

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Keeping Your Health and Strength When Caring for Others

Caregiver Support Services

Caring for loved ones can be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences in life. Whether you’re a parent, a caregiver for an aging family member, or a support system for a friend in need, your dedication to their well-being is commendable. However, in the midst of providing care to others, it’s easy to forget to care for yourself.

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Nursing Tip of the Day! - Fundamentals

Nurse Nacole

Category: Fundamentals The capnogram, which corresponds to a single tidal breath, consists of four phases (ascending phase, alveolar plateau, inspiratory limb, dead space ventilation). Patients with normal lung function will have a trapezoidal-shaped capnogram.