Unity Through End-of-Life Care: Why Approaching Hospice Holistically is Necessary to the Success of the Care Continuum

By uniting the continuum of care, we have a stronger force to improve the customer and family experience, better support employees, and make change within the healthcare industry.

During this webinar, Barbara Karnes, will break down why it’s important to include hospice holistically across the continuum and the role it can play in home care, home health, and senior living.

She’ll discuss:

• Why the end-of-life process is one of the biggest unifiers along the care continuum
• What home care, home health, hospice, and senior living all have in common
• Why all verticals of healthcare need to be trained on the dying process


Amanda Sternklar

Director of Marketing| HCP

Linda Leekley

Chief Clinical Officer| HCP

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