
A new survey from connectRN and The Nursing Beat found half of over 1300 American nurses polled have side hustles outside of nursing to earn extra income. Additionally, nearly half of the new nurses (in the profession for less than three years) plan on transitioning their side hustle to their full-time job. Eight in ten of those nurses have ambitions to start their own businesses.

“It comes as no surprise that nurses are multifaceted and wish to pursue different opportunities. However, the amount of new nurses who surveyed that they plan to leave permanently for their side hustle is alarming. There is an enormous amount of work to be done to better support our young nurses, who are a different generation, requiring different standards. If we don’t begin to listen and solve archaic institutional employment requirements, we will ultimately loose our nursing workforce,” says Tamara AL-Yassin, former bedside nurse and CEO of The Nursing Beat.

The survey comes when nursing is seeing increasing popularity of per diem nursing due to burnout. Companies like connectRN aim to address the shortage by offering nurses flexibility in their jobs with options to work when and where they want to. This week, The Nursing Beat reported, “Burnout is among the common influences hurting healthcare workers. Routine shifts already last 12+ hours, and many involve overnight work. Workloads have become more intense than ever, with 62% of nurses reporting an increase since COVID started.”

“Today’s nurse – the “new nurse” – has a multi-dimensional life and is entrepreneurial. A side hustle allows them to explore interests outside of nursing and to take care of themselves and their families. For the “new nurse” side hustles provide financial support and the space to pursue the interests and relationships that contribute to their well being,” says Ted Jeanloz, CEO of connectRN. “Side hustles allow nurses to thrive and keep them in the profession.”

See also
How I Became a Nurse Entrepreneur

Nearly 90% of nurses surveyed felt these were the top five factors that were extremely important to them:

  • Maintaining their mental health
  • Being present for their family and friends
  • Maintaining a work/life balance
  • Maintaining their physical health
  • Excelling at work

Nearly 50% added that their work as a nurse impacted household management and health and fitness goals negatively. Additional areas that suffered were relationships with loved ones and time with friends. While about a quarter of nurses are pursuing additional educational opportunities, more than half are interested, but their current schedule makes it infeasible.

Read the entire survey findings at thenewnursebyconnectRN.com.

Renee Hewitt
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