
Healthcare recruiters are one of the primary reasons your medical organization can provide exceptional patient care and help you maintain or exceed your bottom line.

The first Tuesday in June is National Healthcare Recruiter Recognition Day. Take time on June 7 to recognize and honor all the healthcare recruiters in your organization and to help them understand how valued and appreciated they are by your healthcare team.

What Do Healthcare Recruiters Do?

The roles and responsibilities of a healthcare recruiter are similar to those of a recruiter in any other industry. They are responsible for finding and hiring highly qualified candidates for open healthcare positions. This often requires attending job fairs, searching the internet, and making cold calls to identify and hunt down the best potential candidates. It also involves advertising open positions on social media, pre-screening candidates, conducting interviews, and processing new-hire paperwork.

These are just a few of the countless duties performed by healthcare recruiters, including nursing program recruitment teams. Healthcare recruiters often face a large amount of pressure since they are responsible for finding and hiring the best possible workers with the skills and compassion needed to provide optimal care and make a positive difference.

What Value Can a Healthcare Recruiter Provide to a Medical Practice?

As a healthcare official, you want the best nurses and clinicians on your team. Healthcare recruiters have the ability to choose only the candidates who have the proper licensing and credentials and are up to date on the latest medical policies and procedures. Healthcare recruiters can also handle salary negotiations and provide you with access to top candidates without you having to publicly post open positions on job boards.

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If you are a nurse or other healthcare worker on the hunt for a new job, the benefits of working with a healthcare recruiter include:

  • Learning about job opportunities and unpublished positions you may not know about.
  • Facing less competition in the job market, especially if a healthcare recruiter is already familiar with your credentials or experience.
  • Getting contacted about open positions for which you qualify instead of having to actively hunt down open positions yourself.
  • Gaining tips for job interviews from recruiters who are very familiar with the hiring medical practice.
  • Getting confirmation on the certifications or credentials you need for a certain open position.

The Role of Healthcare Recruiters in Nursing

If you recently completed nursing program enrollment or want to begin a nursing residency program, a healthcare recruiter can work with you to find open positions that align with your chosen specialty. When you complete nursing school or your residency, a healthcare recruiter can continue working with you to help you land the nursing job of your dreams.

Take time this month to reach out to a healthcare recruiter, and consider working with one if you’re looking to enhance your healthcare career or need to expand your medical practice.

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