7 Reasons to Choose Hospice Care

7 Reasons to Choose Hospice Care

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Last Updated on March 30, 2022 by Frank Davis

Death is a difficult thing to think about, and realistically it’s something that most of us have to face in our lifetimes, it’s not surprising that we avoid the topic like the plague. But what happens when you or your loved one faces terminal illness?

While it may seem frightening at first, hospice care can be the best choice for many people who are facing the end of their lives. As an industry leader in hospice care, we wanted to share the top 7 reasons why people choose hospice:

  1. Provides the opportunity to be at home. Hospice patients are usually those who have chosen not to pursue further medical treatment for their illnesses and can instead focus on receiving palliative care, as well as emotional support from friends and family. These patients are often much more comfortable in the familiar surroundings of their home, rather than in a facility. By taking advantage of hospice’s home-like environment, they can take as much comfort to their last days as possible.
  2. Provides peace of mind. When a person is in hospice care, they are under the care of a hospice nurse who can help with day-to-day needs and is there to support the patient through their final days. By having a compassionate nurse around, a person can feel more relaxed knowing that someone else will be taking care of them in their final hours. Many people find comfort in knowing that the medical staff has complete trust and faith in their decision to choose hospice care.
  3. Provides a sense of hope and peace through emotional support. Many patients are able to find comfort in the knowledge that their families are able to be involved as-needed throughout their illnesses, without having to worry about the financial burden of extended medical costs. The hospice team also helps provide emotional support for all parties involved, which is vital in bringing everyone through this difficult time.
  4. Accommodates a patient’s individual needs. Hospice patients can be provided with any type of palliative treatment that is needed for their condition, which means that they get the customized care that is best for them. This can help alleviate the stress of having to choose between a number of treatments in a facility, as well as provide whichever treatment options are best suited for their individual needs.
  5. Helps patients focus on what matters most and what is important to them during the last stages of life. Hospice provides an environment where the patient can focus on what is most important to them and their loved ones, which may be something different for every individual. It can also help them to live in the moment, without having to worry about anything except for the comforting presence of their family.
  6. Allows you to say goodbye at your own pace. Hospice focuses on making sure that you and your family feel comfortable with every decision made involving your care, and it helps you to say goodbye at a pace that is comfortable for everyone involved. This is also a big advantage over other types of care, which may force you to make decisions that you’re not yet ready for.
  7. Takes the worry out of health care costs. Hospice doesn’t just work to provide comfort for those who are facing terminal illnesses – it is also a great option for individuals who have mounting medical bills. Hospice helps patients understand which expenses may be covered by insurance, and often helps them find resources to cover any additional costs that aren’t covered at all.
Further Reading:
7 Effective Ways Hospice Family Can Cope With Stress

The hospice care team is happy to provide information about how we can help you or your loved one in the future, and we encourage you to contact us if you would like more information or advice.

Thank you for taking the time to read our thoughts on this difficult topic. We are honored to be a part of your journey, and we hope that you will feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.

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