What you didn’t know you needed to know.

AJN’s interim editor-in-chief Christine Moffa likes to say that when you read articles online rather than subscribing to and thumbing through a print issue of a journal like AJN, you risk missing out on all the rich content “you didn’t know that you needed to know.” For this reason, we’ve taken to highlighting some of our columns here—and we thought our Professional Development column was particularly appropriate this week as we celebrate Nurses Month and the American Nurses Association four weekly themes: self-care, recognition, professional development, and community engagement.

Lifelong education to advance careers, improve patient care.

The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health report highlights the importance of lifelong education, not only so nurses can advance their own careers but also as a way to improve patient care. AJN’s Professional Development column focuses on professional and leadership development. It includes a series on leadership coordinated by the American Organization of Nurse Executives, highlighting topics of interest to nurse managers and emerging nurse leaders, and a series on conflict engagement.

Other varied topics include finding joy in the workplace and supporting staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. Upcoming installments include an article on narrative writing as an outlet for stress and burnout and an article on peer reviewing.

To see what our professional development column has to offer, see our regularly updated collection. If you subscribe to AJN, you can access all of the articles in the collections and much more. (For Nurses month, take advantage of discounts in subscription rate.)

Want to get a taste of AJN before subscribing? For Nurses Month, the entire May issue is free to read until the end of the month.