
Today is Certified Nurses Day, and the Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing (BCEN) is celebrating its over 50,000 “RN-credible ” specialty-certified emergency, trauma, transport, and burn nurses and nationally certified nurses in every specialty.

In their 2023 Annual Report, BCEN revealed that over 60,000 BCEN credentials are held by nurses in 28 countries, with over 40,000 RNs possessing the Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN) credential.

Specialty-certified RNs are truly incredible, according to BCEN’s CEO and American Board of Nursing Specialties Past President Janie Schumaker. When you receive care from a nationally certified emergency, trauma, transport, burn, or other specialty nurse, you know you’re being treated by the best of the best.

Board-certified nurses go above and beyond their nursing license requirements to master advanced knowledge across their specialty, take a rigorous exam to prove it, and commit to staying on top of the latest advances and best practices. This is the kind of nursing care we all want and deserve, and that is worth celebrating!

To recognize and celebrate specialty-certified RNs on BCEN’s Certified Nurses Day page, they offer these free resources and assets:

-Free-to-download “You RN-credible” note card

-Free Nurse Recognition Toolkit for recognizing certified RNs on Certified Nurses Day or any day

-“Nurses RN-credible” t-shirt and stickers.

BCEN is dedicated to supporting nurses throughout their certification and recertification journeys and responding to the needs of their high-achieving community of nurses,” says Schumaker.

Renee Hewitt
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See also
The Path to Board Certification for Emergency Nursing
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